The beloved comedy “Full House,” which ran from 1986 to 1995, gave John Stamos international recognition as Jesse Katsopolis. He first had strong unfavourable views about the show, openly admitting during the July 20 episode of “First We Feast’s Hot Ones,” “I hated that show.” He gradually grew to love the programme.
According to Stamos, who was previously well-known for his work on “General Hospital,” the show’s original pitch for inspiration was the 1980s sitcom “Bosom Buddies,” but it was changed to feature young performers.
This departure from what he had anticipated caught his attention and caused him to reconsider his opinion of the performance.
Last but not least, the plot of “Full House” revolved around widower Danny Tanner (played by the late Bob Saget) and his experience of raising his three kids with the assistance of his brother-in-law Katsopolis (Stamos) and close friend Joey Gladstone (Dave Coulier).
Stamos remembered clearly a table read from his youth that had stayed with him. The audience roared in amusement as Jodie Sweetin, who played Stephanie, read her lines during this performance. When Sweetin’s performance captured the audience’s attention, Stamos recalled feeling overshadowed and considering quitting the performance.
But soon after that, I had second thoughts. He and the cast made the decision to give the show a try, and Saget’s involvement was important in getting Stamos to change his mind. He eventually understood the beauty of the show’s love-centered concept and its portrayal of an unusual but devoted family. This insight caused him to reconsider his earlier resistance and accept the core of the show.
“Full House” went on to enjoy immense success, running for eight seasons and inspiring the spinoff “Fuller House,” which aired from 2016 to 2020.
Along with enjoying fame and notoriety, Stamos has taken on two more important roles: father to Billy, his five-year-old son, and spouse to Caitlin McHugh.
The “Born to Ride” actor recently reflected on his function as a parent in an interview. Stamos, a first-time father, expressed sincere thanks for the timing of parenthood because he felt he wouldn’t have been as prepared in his younger years.
Stamos Received Backlash on His 60th Birthday
Stamos celebrated his 60th birthday by posting a cheeky nude photo of himself on Instagram, a move that showed off his self-assured ageing. The actor posed in what appeared to be an outdoor shower, hiding specific body parts and casting a seductive glance over his shoulder at the camera.
The caption accompanying the daring shot, posted on August 24, read, “The other side of 60,” with a nod to his wife, McHugh, for capturing the candid moment.
Commenters felt the birthday photo was improper considering his age and rank, which led to some reaction. “Cringe,” wrote one user. “Seriously, save it for your wife. STOP POSTING THIRST TRAPS,” added a second user. “Why would we want to see a [60-year-old] guy showering??” said a third commenter.
“Why do old people still think they are sexy. U had your turn. Get some class now [sic],” opined a fourth netizen. “Narcissistic people in entertainment industry [sic],” established another commenter.
Additionally, several online users were amused by Stamos’ attempt to reveal too much skin.
“Hot enough to still pull it off!” said one person. “I wish all [60-year-old men] looked like that,” gushed a second commenter. “[This] guy won the genetic lottery,” added a third user. “Always a Greek God!!! He looks ageless,” divulged another netizen.
Despite the criticism, it seems Stamos celebrated his significant birthday in the way he felt was most appropriate.